Dental services for those with and without health insurance!
Dr. Sheth-Nadler has been a part of Access Health Mahoning Valley for several years working to create a program that would benefit hard working families in the area who aren’t able to obtain dental coverage. Access Health Mahoning Valley will be offering services at Access Health’s Warren office location with Mercy Health dental van.
In 2017, new dental services will be offered with the help of Corydon Palmer Dental Society, which will beheld six times annually, on February, 16th, March 16th, May 18th, October 12th, and November 9th in the evening at the dental clinic of Northside Hospital in Youngstown.
For more details and to make an appointment for either option, please call Access Health Mahoning Valley at 330-373-0703 and speak to our Care Coordinator, Maureen Zamarelli.